Backup Power for Critical Business Communications
Backup Power for Critical Business Communications
Private LTE (PLTE) communications are a recent innovation for organizations to be able to use well-established cell tower communications technologies as an alternative to wi-fi networks.
Both faster, more secure and far more scalable, businesses of all kinds (especially manufacturers), are exploring using PLTE for critical business automation and communications needs. Such PLTE networks are ideal for in-house communications (actual cell towers are optional), and many organizations are evaluating the promising technology.
For example, the Ameren Illinois electric power utility, is implementing a PLTE network to manage it's power distribution facilities.
But what would happen to your PLTE network during widespread, long lasting, electric grid outages? How long would it continue to function without an independent power source? What effect would that have on your operations and profitability?
Cellular Communications Tower
This article will explore one option for how the network can continue to function when grid power is unavailable.
U.S. Grid Reliability.
According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, America’s power grid is becoming more unreliable. “The U.S. power system is faltering just as millions of Americans are becoming more dependent on it—not just to light their homes, but increasingly to work remotely, charge their phones and cars, and cook their food—as more modern conveniences become electrified.”
According to a May 5, 2023 issue of Utility Dive, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission commissioners testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee about how the grid faces major reliability challenges.
See our recent article about the turmoil in the U.S. grid during the Christmas 2022 holiday weekend as an example.
The cost of utility-provided power is also rapidly increasing. For example, Massachusetts utilities recently announced a 64% jump in their rates. Expect that trend to continue.
European Networks May Go Dark During Winter.
Last year an article from Reuters disclosed some very disturbing news. Vast swaths of cellular communications nodes in the EU can go dark within 30 minutes of power outages. In Germany, Deutsche Telecom has an estimated 33,000 cell towers. France has about 62,000.
This is because they only have battery backup systems designed to provide power for short periods of electric utility power loss. Power companies there were planning for rolling blackouts of 2 hours or more. Prospects for Winter 2023 - 2024 are just as dim. Despite desperate pleas to their respective governments, cellular operators cannot be assured of continued electric supply. They are on their own.
The PLTE community has an opportunity to avoid the imminent dangers being faced by our friends in Europe. Still in its formative stages, PLTE can adapt to minimize potential power disruptions.
Power Requirements.
The combination of rising power consumption and increasing electricity costs have raised concerns among cellular and PLTE operators. Power needs of newer generation of technology, such as 5G, require significantly more power than previously. Some estimates see 3 to 4 times as much power required, depending on the base station configuration. A typical 5G base station may need at least 15,000 watts of power to operate. Efforts to incorporate edge devices into the network will further increase the power requirements. Power for your PLTE network must be available 24x7, regardless of weather conditions or grid power disruptions.
Backup Power.
Like the situation in Europe, most PLTE network nodes now use grid-supplied power for normal operations. Some have backup power systems such as battery storage, solar, wind and diesel generators. Most communication sites have backup power for only a few hours or days. Then it’s lights out.
Most backup power generation systems today are intended for intermittent, emergency use. What is needed are generators that are designed for long endurance and minimum maintenance. Generators that are affordable, take up little space, and can be secured on site. A highly reliable power supply that can work with, or without, utility-supplied power.
A New Approach.
I suggest a new approach to using utility-supplied power.
Remain connected to the grid, but use it differently.
Rely primarily on power that you generate. Perfectly legal; just don’t sell it to others. If you have issues with your own generation assets, utility power is automatically used until you resume power generation. The grid becomes your backup power source. A paradigm shift.
Generate your own power continuously, to offset utility power costs and improve resilience. Ever-increasing electric utility bills are drastically reduced. In the event of grid-down conditions, your operations are not affected because your primary power source is your own generator equipment, right on your property. Business as usual.
Engine / Generator All-Weather Enclosure
Perfectly Sized.
The above generator is perfectly sized for the requirements of a PLTE site. It has been deployed for years, in thousands of locations and is proven technology. It was designed to be run continuously, for 10 years or more (one unit has been running for 18 years). Maintenance interval is every 4,000 hours (every 6 months of continuous operation).
It operates on natural gas, propane or renewable biogas and can switch between them. Extremely low emissions meet and exceed the most stringent emissions standards.
Multiple units can work together, providing output that is more than sufficient for PLTE power needs. Using multiple generators also allows maintenance and repair functions to proceed, without impacting operations.
Cutaway view of engine & generator.
More Up Time, Less Cost.
Of course, other generators exist and could also be used. The big differentiator for this product is that the engine was designed for continuous operation and minimal maintenance.
Installing your own power generation equipment can greatly improve the resilience of your vital PLTE networks and lower operational costs. And the return on investment is very compelling. Once the capital expense is paid, your generation equipment becomes a “money printing” machine, avoiding electric utility costs for many years. Savings are even greater if you can make use of the heat created by the generators engines.
Increased Reliability.
But most importantly, incorporating such independent power generation will increase the reliability of your network. Europe may soon demonstrate the importance of having an independent power system to operate cellular communications systems. With onsite power generation you can keep your PLTE networks from going dark.
Lifecycle Analysis.
We provide an estimated lifecycle cost analysis for your needs. We calculate simple ROI, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Average & Total Estimated Savings. We also suggest an optimal number of generators for your needs.
Similar lifecycle cost analysis can also be done for a variety of other equipment manufacturers.
Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your situation and goals.
Brian Reinke, President
TDI Energy Solutions